Reloading dies for 338 spectre
Reloading dies for 338 spectre

Im in NY so cant have a can thus subs hold very little benefit for me. Im most likely not going to use heavier than a 250gr SMK and will try lighter. Last edited by chadbag 01-20-21 at 00:01. Building up a 338 Spectre and Im in need of reloading data.

reloading dies for 338 spectre

I have a lot of money in this rifle and also the dues and components and would like to to get to the bottom of this and get this one running. If someone loads for this can you make me a dummy round that chambers in your rifle and send it to me? I’ll obviously pay you for it. I don’t have a case gauge and only SBR lists such a thing and it is out of stock. 338 Spectre uses 10mm Magnum brass which is unavailable right now but formed brass is available for 40 a hundred. SBR Barrel with Headspaced Bolt AR-15 Pistol 338 Spectre Standard Contour Pistol Length Gas Port 10.5' 1 in 6-1/2' Twist 5/8'-24 Thread Stainless Steel. I don’t know if the chamber is too small, the dies are not sizing down enough, or what the issue could be. A person can buy dies for both right now. I tried sized but empty brass in addition to some dummy rounds and live loaded rounds I made.

reloading dies for 338 spectre

They get most of the way in and get stuck with a guesstimate 1/4” length left. I finally got around to loading a few rounds. I bought 500 pieces of SBR brass directly from them years ago and a set of Hornady 338 spectre dies (at the time Hornady wouldn’t release them to anyone not OKed by Marty). Does anyone here load 338 spectre? I bought a barrel directly from Marty at Teppo Jutsu years ago and built a rifle.

Reloading dies for 338 spectre